playful spring breeze
long brushed clouds sliding by
leaves glistening green
This morning, with a little trepidation, I visited my primary doctor. It was earlier than nine in the morning; I waited about ten minutes for him to come into the room. Meanwhile, I watched the world from that third floor window. Some kind of peace permeated the moment. I could see the parking lot, and the street where tall cottonwood trees softly swayed in the morning breeze. A little farther away Interstate 15 was in full morning business. Cars were traveling north and south, big trucks hauling containers with some sort of unknown cargo, motorcycles, and the like. They all moved at a good safe clip, perhaps seventy miles an hour, like an organized dance, everyone respecting everyone else’s space it was almost beautiful. Since I was behind glass I could not hear the sounds from below, but I could see the beauty of the morning sun shining on the brand new leaves, and those amazing clouds almost like a soft knitted blanket, extending from south to north. That spring breeze softly swaying the new leaves. At that moment I realized that no matter what the doctor had to say, I would be fine.